the cracked pot designs showcases a collection of ceramic pieces created and designed by tayaba ahmed.
I’m Tayaba, a Bengali-American ceramic artist and owner of The Cracked Pot Designs.
I began making pottery in 2020 as a form of art therapy to cope with the chaos of the pandemic. What started as a hobby of mindful clay play quickly turned into a fascination that captivated me.
After months of practice in a community space, I created a home studio for myself, a space I’m grateful for everyday. For the past few years, I’ve been working mindfully on making ceramic pieces that truly represent me. I like to create smoothly curved vessels in warm-toned stoneware . My ceramics takes inspiration from the organic beauty of nature and the traditional art of henna. In both, there is an alluring blend of chaos and control, and that’s often reflected through the intricate hand painted designs on my vases. I also found inspiration from the age-old tradition of weaving and reflect that in my work through the use of bamboo. Bamboo symbolizes strength and continuous growth with very smooth and flexible qualities, playing a perfect contrast to the roughly textured stoneware. The possibilities with clay are endless, and through this medium, I’m able to express my most authentic self. It’s an absolute pleasure and a humbling experience when I can share my work with others.